Time is running out fast. The first month of spring have been already completed. It has to be recognized, it was really warm and wonderful. What could be nicer than the awakening of nature, trees exploding in the leaves, the first flowers, from warm countries arriving birds delight's our hearts by their songs.
I really love the spring, I do not know, maybe because this is my birth season.
On March 14, I attended the International Congress , which was held in the
hotel Trasalis, Trakai. The day was filled with meetings and very useful information provided
by lecturers from different countries of the world. I really want to laugh, and to the fact that not
disappointed , but on the contrary, I was very impressed and pleased lunch. The organizers
were informed of the fact that I am vegan and I have allergies to certain products.
I gave a few hints about what I eat. And imagine how I was surprised when Trasalis
restaurant chef made me personall food. I want sincerely to thank for that person.
This is the second time that the restaurant take seriously to me and when I can
enjoy the food , not fearing to wait adverse reactions.

Recipe in www.fullyrawkristina.com
On 21 March, I went to my grandmother, who celebrated her birthday. The trip started early,
but the first rays of the sun already heated the earth. How I love the early mornings, when
everyone else is sleeping and I can enjoy views of the surrounding (and since I ascribe my self
to the type of owl, cherish these moments). And every time I discover when traveling, what is
nevertheless amazing, my land.
As the warm weather comes back, I want a cold soup. Lithuania 's most popular
cold soup, cold beet soup. Since I am a vegan, I had my favorite soup adapt to a
new lifestyle. And you know what, that turned out just great. You can find the
recipe on the internet, where kefir is replaced by cashew milk. Since I did not
have cashew, I changed the recipe in my own way: beets, cucumbers, onions, I
used with plain water, seasoned with pinch of salt ( because of my beetroot was not sour) and oats cream.
During this month, I discovered some cosmetic and other products, about which
I would say by the word.
Maybe I will start first of all from the eye mascara. I bought this mascara from
Livinn shop online. As I was looking for natural product for so long, this product
has been a great opportunity to try it. I 'm talking about the company Beneco
and his thicken mascara. This is natural, organic raw materials produced product.
True, this company is not one of those who does not test cosmetics on animals,
but it is at least better option than a large part of the other giant cosmetics manufacturers.
Another product that I would like to mention is the Meridian organic almond butter.
This is our first meeting and I can say that it is very successful. I loved the taste
and soft texture. Maybe as much as fatty and slightly too much salt, but relishing
in small quantities, really healthy.
Another product that I really like is the company's Lush Celestial facial cream.
Lush Cosmetics is a natural, hand - made and what is best not tested
on the animal. Cosmetics must be kept in the refrigerator that not to fail.
I love animals. As a result, I chose my profession, and I choose a different lifestyle than most.
Part of my free time I visit needy animals. Since I have free time only on Sundays, I go to the l
ocal animal protection society. Heart of these cute creatures, always happy when I'm there.
Each animal comes into this house with its history, all spend more or less time, but, unfortunately,
not everyone finds a new home and loving owners.
I note that none of the above listed products are funded by advertising as their producers or sellers.
This is my personal opinion and experience.