

Last week I celebrated my BIRTHDAY

 This Birthday for me, is the first absolutely vegan one. Some one migth say, that it is not possible to celebrate birthday without sweet, fat cakes, lots of snacks and junk food, but I would tell you it is not true. It can be celebrated absolutely different. In my one I even had real birthday cake.

First sweets - truffle, witch reached me on evening before. They were made by my loved mum. Sweets are made from dried fruits and nuts, mixing them in food processor and then forming the shape you want. They were so tasty - I couldn't stop eating.

Next dessert were exotic fruit. I wanted to taste them for so long, but just because they are so expensive in my country I couldn't do it before. And now I thought, why not to cheer my self for this great occasion with great combination. I must say that taste of some of them was disappointing for me. I think it is just because they are brought still green and don't have chance to ripe. Hope some day I could try them in the original country.

During the day I ate very tasty and easily made dishes: coconut soup
Potatoes baked in the oven with fresh tomato
Fresh salad with vegan bread (also made by my mum) and grounded hemp seeds on the top.

After very tasty lunch, we had unbaked cupcakes. It was so tasty. Recipe find here

And so the time to look presents came. Perfect place to do this is by warming my self next to wonderful source of warmness - fireplace. I miss this goodness so much. And the present is very grate: book of  R. Ferguson "Juice" - this book is wonderfull encyclopedia about juice, that talks you about what good gives you every ingredient, and is adapted for every moment: from bettering your mood to detoxication. First look let my to hope, that after reading it fully, it will become my every day helper.

And what Birthday without birthday cake. We tasted it on evening. Very different taste with Goji berries or grilled lime zest on the top (I liked both of them). This cake was made by my mum (recipe inspired by Gražina Gum).

And what Birthday without flowers :)

This year I understood that exactly Birthday signify to me. I felt, that it is necesary to celebrate. Also it is like persons New Year, when you can change something in your life and to start lots of things from new or to change these you didn't liked before.
But finally I am happy, that my life is changing in a good way. I hope, that this first Birthday is just a begining...


Flower,flower and more

While first impressions are still hot, I am rushing to share impressions from my Saturday trip to see beautiful flowers – tulips.

But first of all I would like to introduce Mazylis („Baby“), that is reigning in my house at the moment. Yes yes, that type of name got my ward, little kitty (about 2 months old).

He came to my home at 14 of April, when was brought in to veterinary clinic, where I work, from the outdoor. He was frozen, with purulent eyes and purulent running nose. But the worst thing was with his left front leg, were he had huge abscess. Finally viruses are overcome, but sadly, injuries of leg left their marks. In the area of elbow leg was broken, but Mazylis was too small and because of abscess we couldn‘t do anything. Leg is fine now, we saved it, but kitty will never bend it over elbow. But Mazylis is not worried about that, and lives happy life, likes to jump and run.

He is looking for home and family now.

And finally my Saturday trip.

Very long time ago I wanted to visit manor of Burbuškis (Manor). Burbiškis is small village in north of Lithuania. Manors were always very interesting for me, because each of them has his different culture, style and culture legacy. Beside of that, every year there is done the celebrity of beautiful flowers – tulips, and I like them so much. So finally, I decided and planed to go.

The day before I made some sushi for myself, took some bananas, plums and smoothies and pulled towards my goal. In between I hade chance to visit „Devil‘s mill“in Šeduva (more about). I know this place from my childhood. When I was little this place looked very mysterious to me. Just because time’s changes, me to, so kept by nostalgia I came to Šeduva. First impress was very good. Mill is still standing, surrounding is very well arranged, fake lake and waterfall, there are Japanese carp, everywhere is green, beautiful.

But green new glass building next to mill looked very fake and absolutely didn‘t belong there. Another thing that I didn‘t liked at all were bad smell of food (I haven‘t mentioned before, but in that mill, from very long time, is cafe). Just entering the building my noose was shock of very unpleasant smell of food. I can just imagine that is the taste and quality of food in there.

But I went there not to criticize there food. So after having a break and eating some of my food, I moved forward.

And OMG, I got in to very big traffic jam, which was approximately 4 km. For me it took about 1 hour in it. Thoughts about turning around and going home were in my mind (but just because manor is about 130 km from home), the distance I over passed pushed me to move forward and to look what next. After finally reaching the destination and parking my car, I run through the big crowd of people. Evening becoming deeper and the sun setting down I was in hurry to see them, perfect flowers – tulips. First effect disappointed a little bit, because from other people talks I had an impression, that I will find much more of them.

But finally, after analyzing every bed I became exited, how different all the flowers looks (some of them looks more like orchid and peony’s, then tulips)

Manor and his surrounding left very good impression too. Stone buildings are one of my favorite, and architecture reminded more bout castle. Nice water, trees, bridges puts everything in very harmony place.

In the manor I found expositions of old equipments, carriages and wagons, gramophones.

In conclusion: I liked my Saturday evening and trip. If I will have a chance I will visit this manor for one more time, to spend longer day in there.

And after that kind of journey cold beetroot soup was just perfect (vegan adapted versions).