This is my first part of "What I eat today", wich is popular among other bloggers. Today is - 07/03/2015
Day, as always, started with good gym. After that I drank about 0,5 l of water, to maintain amount of body water and to wake up my digestive system. After that, listening up for morning music, I made my breakfast. For this time were sandwiches and half of mango. Sandwiches: brown rice cakes, diced avocado, tomato and pickles ( for those who can eat I, would recomend to eat fresh ones).
After working day, in order for not to be as hungry as wolf, until I make dinner, I had so fruit salad: banana, fresh strawberries and blueberries.
For dinner I enjoyed in the oven baked potatos and sweet potatoes, and ofcorse, fresh vegetable salad: mix of green salad and tomato, filled with fresh lemon juice with a little bit of soy sauce.
So, they day in the end was full of good emotions and tasty healthy food.
Love yourself.