
Cold green soup

I don't know how you guys, but I like soups. Of course it is usually winter time when we want something warm, but I some times want soup on summer too. Soup gives the sens of fullness very quickly and can be made in so different types: thick or liquid, with lots of ingredients or just with few of them.
I think the most popular cold soup in my country in Cold beetroot soup. I told you about them earlier and the vegan versions of it you can find in other post of this blogg.
Another cold soup that is loved is cold soup of sorrel (that in reality is also made with kefir). But just because I never liked it that much, I haven't tried to do vegan version.

So, one day, awesome youtuber and blogger Jenny Mustard published 2 min cold soup recipe. Just because I don't eat lots of ingredient she used, being inspired by her idea, I decided to make my own version of Cold Green Soup.

The video of how to make this soup you can find in my youtube page

And the full recipe is here:

- Coco milk (400 ml) - I used the thick version of it, because I think it is more natural
- Cup of sprouted Mungo beans
- Cup of fresh or frozen green peas
- 3 heads of fresh broccoli (or can use frozen one )
- Handful of spinach (I used fresh ones but it is OK frozen)
- Handful of zucchini peels (I leave them when making zucchini noodles)
- Salt, cayenne pepper and turmeric according to your taste (for me it was OK 2 pinches of each)
- Water as required

 So put all ingredients (except spinach) in to the blender and blend until everything is going to mix. Then put spinach and blend again until is smoothie. Water you can put from the beginning or put gradually while blending and looking what consistency you want. I used 2 cups of water.

On the top put fresh pear, corns, pickled beetroots and etc.

As always I made to much for my self to eat in one day. So used rest of soup for other recipes. In on day I ate with oven baked potatoes like source, and for other day mixed with rise noodles and other vegetables.

Have a good time. Never stop trying and tasting new recipes.

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